ICOM ManualsHere you will find some Icom manuals. Some are fairly rare others very common. Feel free to browse and use. Please do not download for resale. I provide them for free and you should too. |
Kenwood Manuals I have collected various Kenwood Manuals over the years. Feel free to browse and use. Please do not download for resale. I provide them for free and you should too. |
Yaesu Manuals Check out my Yaesu manual collection. It is far from complete, but feel free to browse. Please do not download for resale. I provide them for free and you should too. |
Misc Manuals - Amateur Radio, Computer related Some Drake, Collins, Heathkit, National, Swan, WRL, Butternut, Compaq. Feel free to browse and use. Please do not download for resale. I provide them for free and you should too. |
Operating Modes Though primarily on voice, I still enjoy CW and have the capabilities of RTTY and other digital modes on HF. |
VE9GEC / VE9JEC I originally obtained VE9GEC as a reminder to me of my father, who though was not a ham was always supportive of all my endeavours. I obtained VE9JEC in memory of my mother. I thought it was a unique way to keep them close by. Gone, but not forgotten, many thanks to both of you over the years. |

VE9GC - Gordon

I was first licensed in 1979 as VE3LJL in Hamilton, Ontario. I moved to New Brunswick in March of 1981 and was issued with VE1AVQ.
When New Brunswick was assigned the VE9 prefix, I applied for and was granted VE9GC.
I am a former commercial radio operator with several years of shipboard experience and operated VE1AVQ/MM on numerous occasions. I have fond memories of fine QSO's with my IC-735 running barefoot into the main ships long wire antenna. A couple of hundred feet of wire some 50ft over the salt water sure worked well!
Like many hams, I have an eclectic mix of equipment. Some old, some newer but all well loved. My base station is comprised of the following:
Update as of June 2021: The main station is comprised of an Elecraft KX3 with PX3 and KXPA100. Flex 6600 with Q5 Signals 144 and 432 transverters, Yaesu FT-991A. An Ameritron 1306 amplifier is available for those QRO times.
I have to admit I miss my old Viking Valiant II and NC-303 combo. The mercury vapour rectifiers in the Valiant had such a wonderful glow.
On VHF / UHF I run the Flex 6600 Q5 Signal combo with the FT-991A as backup for both HF, VHF and UHF. As well there is a TYT RT-9000D on 220Mhz
I have a Yaesu FTM100 coupled with HRI200 for access to YSF (Yaesu System Fusion) Wires X and a FTM 400
An Icom ID51A, Yaesu FT5D, TYT MD-2017 and TYT MD 380 round out the handheld department.
There is a Shark RF OpenSpot setup for D-Star, DMR, YSF as well as a couple of Raspberry Pi hotspots.
I can be found on DMR TG30205 Atlantic Canada or in CQ Maritimes room 60207 on Wires X
I enjoy operating SSB, CW, FM, exploring the digital modes and D-Star. DMR and Fusion.
Antennas at the moment are restricted to a 43 ft vertical and a couple of windoms covering 160- 6 meters and a K4KIO 6 band Hex beam is mounted on a pole at about 22 ft. I have an Alpha Jr portable vertical, an end fed long wire and Chameleon Antenna CHA-TD-LITE Tactical Dipole that go with me when I travel.. For those who may be interested, the QTH is located at Grid Square FN76og (46 15 12 N 64 47 24 W) elevation is 82 metres (269ft.) above sea level. For current local area weather conditions from Environment Canada just click here To see the latest weather information here at the station just click here,
I have left the photo of the old mobile antennas to show what can be mounted on an Audi 100 trunk deck..
Currently running an Icom IC-7100 into a Little Tarheel with 56 in whip and an MFJ 1432 on the VHF/UHF side. As well there is a Yaesu FTM-400XDR coupled to MFJ-1422
Manuals, Manuals Manuals!
I have over 12GBs of various manuals. I can not post them all here as I don't have that much server storage space (remember this is not a commercial venture, it's all funded by me). If you are looking for a manual use the contact me link below and give me the details. I will search my collections and get back to you. Hopefully I will have a catalog page set up in the near future showing all the manuals I have. Only problem will be keeping it up to date as I keep obtaining more. Check the links below, I add manuals as I find them. I am not in the business of selling manuals. I can provide cerlox or spiral bound paper copies or CD /DVD copies for the cost of reproduction and postage. Have some that I don't? Want to share? Just let me know.